Mindset Shifts After the Pandemic
You’ve been giving it all to your family, job, and relationships. You find yourself feeling angry, forgetting things & down in the dumps.
Reality is, you’re overwhelmed. You are working from home and around your family all the time. You find yourself in a fluffy season because you can’t go to the gym or motivate yourself to exercise at home. You don’t feel like doing YouTube workouts and frankly you would welcome your old life back again – even though it was a grind. You miss the days when you could fit it all in and felt like you could breathe.
We all come to a point where we feel like we have had enough of feeling under appreciated and not good enough. At times of crisis it can be hard to see how to make the situation better and will this funk go away after COVID19. So much, we end up questioning our relationships, career, or job choices.
The truth is, you are sitting in suckville
A national pandemic brings to the surface what is missing, needs to be changed or face the underlying issues in your life. You may begin to pull back in the ways you interact with others even on zoom or facetime which leaves you feeling even more isolated and lonely. While at home you may avoid others for fear of not being good enough for them and not want to start a fight.
The reality is when you are experiencing self-doubt about who you are as a person, you begin to feel unworthy and not good enough. This voice that tells you that no matter how much you try that you are not enough begins as a whisper. But, over time, it becomes louder and more difficult to ignore. As the self-doubt creeps in, you might start to believe that you are not good enough and capable of improving the quality of your work and relationships.
The downside to this includes increased anxiety and depression around your relationships and perspective of yourself. Not only do you start to pull back your personality but you start to become a shell of yourself. You question your relationships and ask yourself why.
I believe our lives are a continuum of growth & change.
Truth bomb: people struggle in relationships and find themselves in unsatisfying relationships or jobs and many feel stuck and they don’t feel like things will ever get better or change. It is time to embrace the suck.
We all come to a point where we feel like we have had enough of feeling underappreciated and not good enough. We spend so much time balancing work and relationships and when our relationships are off the rest of our well-being suffers. At times, when we are feeling disrespected about our jobs, it can be hard to see how to make the situation better and this funk has a way of circling back around and impacting our relationships at home. So much, we may end up questioning our relationships, career or job choices.
Unfortunately, when you live your life according to whether or not you believe you are good enough, it impacts your ability to have confidence in your job and it spills over into your relationships.
You find yourself scrolling through social media and hear about all the ways to cope with a pandemic. You ask yourself what is telehealth? I have heard of counseling and therapy but…
I am a private person & does therapy even work?
Therapy allows you to recognize the “why” behind the way you are feeling. Together, we are able to dive deeper into what triggers emotions and to recognize improvement with overall goal of feeling less overwhelmed, anxious, and “done” with your job, relationships & family. It is possible to feel less stressed and more connected in your relationships. Maybe it is perspective.
In order to find your inner peace you start with you. It takes time to get in physical shape and it will take time to get in emotional shape.
We all struggle at times in our lives. When we feel stuck we may feel like we have tried everything and nothing has changed. If you struggle with feeling overwhelmed and self-doubt it is entirely possible to feel better. Dive in deeper, figure out your why, and in the middle of all of it – find humor along the way.